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Mining Companies
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Agrium Inc. is a major Retail supplier of agricultural products and services in North and South America, a leading global Wholesale producer and marketer of all three major agricultural nutrients. We are also a premier supplier of specialty fertilizers in North America through our Advanced Technologies business unit.
Alderon is a development company with an iron ore project located next to mining towns of Wabush and Labrador City in Western Labrador, Canada. 
Alexco owns 100% of the historic Keno Hill Silver District, located in Canada's Yukon Territory. The Bellekeno silver mine, one of the world's highest-grade silver mines with a production grade of up to 1,000 grams per tonne, commenced commercial production at the beginning of calendar year 2011 and was Canada's only operating...
Alhambra Resources Ltd. ("Alhambra" or the "Corporation") is a Canadian based exploration and gold production corporation. Operating through its wholly owned subsidiary, Saga Creek Gold Corp LLP ("Saga Creek") Alhambra is in its eighth year of operations in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Saga Creek holds the rights...
With the support of the country's largest institutional investor, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, Altan Rio explores large-scale gold and copper projects in one of the world's most prospective mineral regions; Mongolia.
American Bonanza Gold Corp. (TSX: BZA) is a Canadian company focused on building a portfolio of high quality producing gold mines across North America. American Bonanza Gold Corp.'s mission is to pursue projects that can demonstrate elements of significant quality, including high gold grade, significant upside exploration and the...
Amerigo's wholly owned subsidiary, Minera Valle Central (MVC), produces copper and molybdenum concentrates from tailings from the world's largest underground copper mine, Codelco's El Teniente mine, a copper producer for the past 100 years with remaining ore reserves lasting many more decades. 
The Athabasca Oil Sands Project (AOSP) joint venture (Shell 60%) has a current capacity of 255,000 b/d of synthetic crude. Today the AOSP consists of the Muskeg River Mine, the Jackpine Mine and the Scotford Upgrader, located in Alberta, Canada. It also includes the Quest carbon capture and storage project, scheduled to be operational by...
AuRico Gold is a leading intermediate Canadian gold and silver producer with a diversified portfolio of high quality mines and projects in Canada, Mexico and Australia. The first production from the exciting Young-Davidson gold mine in northern Ontario is expected by the end of Q1 2012 as the mine ramps up to over 200,000 ounces of annual...
Aurora Mineral Resource Group is a sophisticated, business development incubator focused on the mineral resource sector.    It represents an alliance of innovative global exploration professionals and companies all dedicated to the discovery and development of world class resource opportunities.   ...